Buffalo Summers
Y.W.C.A. Business Secretaries and Industrial Girls at Fortyacres.
Photos in the Sunday Courier c. 1923 by H.A. Baker. Captions are original. WNY Heritage Press Collection

This car is used for such interesting affairs as bacon, bats, corn roasts, joyrides. The truck is the gift of the Y.W. Industrial girls.

The laughing waters of Lake Erie fascinate this group of Y.W.C.A. girls

Stranded on the beach at Fortyacres.
L ro R: Eva Jax, Marian Schmand, Eleanor Byrne and Marguerite Van Bree.

Playing leap frog.
Louise Dick (kneeling), Eva Jax (jumping) and Gertrude Byrnes in the background.

Ready Girls, Let's Go!

This is Miss Olive S. Thatcher, Y.W.C.A. recreation leader. She plans good times for the girls and keeps things humming at Fortyacres. She has a pelasing and jovial disposition and is very popular with the girls.


Tennis is a splendid exercise and works up an appetite that is unexcelled.

Scaling the Shale Cliffs

An impromptu serenade around the camp fire at the lake's edge.

Girls must relax once in a while.

Camp Fortyacres was located in Farnham along the shores of Lake Erie. Anyone having information about when it ceased, please let us know. We will add the details to this pictorial.

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